What Is The Gift You Want To Receive?

In this "Premier Video Podcast" of the MeetYourAngels.com Podcast, I give you an update of my life in the past year with my illness and also ask the questions, "What is the gift you want to receive?" God and the Angels want to give you a gift... what is it you want? I also mention how the movie, "The Secret" will help you align yourself with the receiving process.

There Is Nothing To Worry About...

A client emailed me today (3/21/07) saying that she was feeling, "full of this horrific toxic energy that scares me and I feel very alone, as though I have done something horrible aganst God or my fellow man. Can the angels tell you anything about why I am feeling this way? I feel very sad and very, very alone."

I am sharing the reply I gave her from the Angels because I think it pertains to all of us. It is a message we all need to read...

"Here's What the Angels Say To You Today...

"There is nothing to worry about... You are a GIFT FROM GOD TO THE WORLD! You have been chosen for a special task of LOVE and INSPIRATION that no one else can do. Listen to your heart... Feel your feelings, and DO NOT BE AFRAID. We are teaching you Patience... We are teaching you Love. Isolation is part of growth. In the Silence you will hear the voice of God and know that you are not alone. Only you have the ability to unlock the special gift of LIFE that God has for you!

In nature there is calmness, gentleness and peace. Look at its beauty and now see that YOU are just as beautiful as your surroundings. WE ASSURE YOU, you have done nothing wrong. The events of your life are clues and lessons for what you are to teach the world. Please, NEVER second guess why things happen... EVERYTHING happens for a reason and are truly KEYS to TRUTH. You have a mission to LIVE and you must use these keys to unlock the mystery of LIFE that is so AMAZING. You are putting together a great puzzle that is in sync with everyone else's puzzle. Each piece you connect not only makes the puzzle that much easier and clearer for you, but also for everyone else. This is part of ALIGNMENT. You see, as you align yourself with the process of LIVING, you are helping others align as well. You teach others how to live through your own actions. Your actions are a reflection of what you have learned.

The equation is VERY, VERY SIMPLE!

In your human form, you tend to complicate things because that is what you were taught. Remember what the Bible says... "Be like the children." Also Jesus said, "Let the children come to me." Adults complicate things... Children accept life without conflict. They absorb and live without complicating or analysing anything... they simply LIVE.

Be assured Sweet Child, You are Great, You Are Royal and We Love You. There is nothing to worry about, you are in Our embrace. We know you are experiencing doubt and isolation, but We assure you, it is all an illlusion and part of the process of unlocking the code.





In this Angel message, it is very interesting to look at the punctation and capitalization of letters throughout. I assure you, this is NOT my style of writing nor is it how I think (I don't use this terminology or think scientifically).

This message is for all of us...

3/21/07 1:14 am

"Stargaze [spoken as a command to us]
Windows to Eternity
Unlock the Code to
Dimensions Unknown
Become Explored
Reality Explained
Distance is Measured
By Light & Breadth
No More By
Like the Stereogram.
It is there
You Will See
Open Your Eyes
& See.
All Are One
See For Yourself!

There is no need for Pain
It is All an Illusion
Celebrate Your Diversity
& See the Key You hold in Your Hand.
You have chosen this Path
You are Key
Unlock Your Wisdom
We Are Waiting
Be Not Afraid
IT IS Time
IT IS Definitely Time!
Your thoughts have served You Well
They Have Brought You
to the Present Moment
It is No Mistake where
You stand today
Seize the Moment
Use the Skills & Tools Before You
to Teach Your Wisdom to
the Earth.
Your Task is Simple
It is for You & You Alone.
Be Not Afraid.
You Are on the Right Path

People will Support You
Keep the Faith.
You Are a Dear & Beloved One
Our Finest Son of Whom
We Are Very Proud.
Everything has Been
Recorded within for You
to Retrieve as Needed
to Teach
The Wisdom
& Spirit of Life.
Your Path is Sacred.
Be at Peace
Be the Light
No One is greater than You
You are Chosen for Greatness
You are Loved & Beloved
Our Chosen One.
We Love You & Walk with You.
Be Simple
Be Patient
You Are LOVE
And We Are PROUD.
The Inner Calm will
Speak to You
We Are There
We Are Strength For You
The Birds Do Not Sow, Nor Should You
Be Free
Let Go & Trust.
We Are With You.
Peace To You!


There was more to this message, but I was told not to post it till later. The continuation of the message is Here... "We Are The Balancing Force of the Universe".