I am asked all the time how we should pray or how do we hear the "Voice of God." There is a song that I learned in 1st grade (36 years ago!) that I believe tells it all.
When I was in training at the monastery, my Novice Master kept urging us (more like pushed us) to what the song teaches us... the "Silence." I have no idea who wrote the song... it was written sometime in the 60's, so if you happen to know who wrote it, I would love to know.
Listen to the Silence...
Listen for the Words of the Lord...
Listen for He Speaks in Quiet Times."
It seems we are always bombarded with noise in our culture... even noises (vibrations) we can't hear. There are TV signals, radio waves, cell phone signals, microvaves and MANY more bombarding us all the time and I believe these mute or lesson our ability to hear the silence of our heart where the "TRUTH/GOD" lies. When I travel in an airplane, I receive messages from my Angels far more clearly than on the ground. Up in the sky, we are above all of that "noise pollution." 1.5 years ago, I stopped watching TV and the only radio I listen to now is a morning show on my way to work. My life is SIGNIFICANTLY more peaceful and serene without all that noise. I encourage you to take steps to reduce the noise in your life and to practice "Listening to the Silence!"
Let me know what changes you see in your life after practicing this for awhile.