Amazing Dreams...

I don't know about you, but I have been having the most AMAZING, "PRODUCTIVE" dreams the last two nights!!! By productive I mean that I am processing A LOT of information and as I'm dreaming I feel very useful and productive... very satisfied. BUT... I can't tell you anything about the dreams at all... I don't remember anything about them. Several friends have also mentioned that they have been having very vivid dreams as well, so perhaps there is something going on. All I know is I WELCOME many, many more nights like the last two!!!

For those of you who have called me, I often tell you that before I go to bed, I ask God to, "Show me in my dreams what I am to know and understand, and what I am to do when I awake." 95% of what we dream about we only understand on our soul level... the other 5% we understand in our human dimension. When I do this, I often wake up with a very short "to do list" that is very easy to accomplish. I feel GREAT when I know what I should do and I actually do it! Why not give it a try???!!!

: )

Tell us about some of your interesting dreams lately...