The Last Day...

Dearest Angel Friends... I'm sure you've noticed it has been a little quiet around here lately! I just wanted to explain a few things...

I was travelling in early April and I had a seizure. I was alone and it wasn't a small one. I had my first seizure in college, and I seem to have them every 4 years or so. As I get older, they are harder and harder to recuperate from. BUT, even in my pain and "confusion" I still had my Angels right there speaking to me. The message, more of a command, so clear after I came to my senses was to...

LIVE as if Today Is Your Last Day! What Are You Waiting For? Why Aren't You Celebrating Heaven???!!! When Are You Going to LIVE Your Dream Instead of Just Dreaming Your Dream???!!!"

Well, that makes TOTAL SENSE to me!!! Why do we put off everything for another day, especially if we don't know if another day will come or not???!!!

I LOVE YOU, and you are All Still in My Thoughts & Prayers!